Mortgage News

Mortgage Costs, Mortgage Tips unINK Creative Mortgage Costs, Mortgage Tips unINK Creative

Dealing with Mortgage Payment Difficulties & Fort McMurray fire disaster

When unforeseen financial circumstances impact your ability to make regular mortgage payments, or disaster strikes, it’s important for you to take quick action. With early intervention, cooperation, and a well-executed plan, you can work together with your mortgage professional to find a solution to your financial difficulties.

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Sarah’s Mortgage Now Inc. testimonial

“Going through a divorce is a stressful, emotionally stunning time. Thinking about all the ins and outs of daily life not to mention the big picture items such as mortgage, bills, children’s care and expenses that accumulate with legal fees is overwhelming and pressure-filled.

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5 Benefits of Buying a Home in the Off-Season!

Spring and summer are commonly known as peak-season in Canada’s real estate market. But there are a number of benefits to purchasing in what is considered off-season too! From cost savings to enhanced convenience, here are five advantages of off-season house hunting and off-season home buying.

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First Time Mortgage, Mortgage Tips unINK Creative First Time Mortgage, Mortgage Tips unINK Creative

Buying a House With a Friend is Becoming the New Trend!

With house prices rising, it can be difficult to afford a home on your own. You and a friend might be in the same situation and feel that if you pool your resources, you can invest in a home instead of throwing your money away by paying rent. What all parties have to realize is that this is a business partnership and should be treated as such.

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First Time Mortgage, Mortgage Tips unINK Creative First Time Mortgage, Mortgage Tips unINK Creative

What Do You Miss Least About Renting?

In this day of low-interest rates, the temptation to buy a home versus renting one is higher than ever. While it’s true that homeownership isn’t an ideal choice if it’s going to leave your house poor, or if you’re not ready to settle down in one location, there are definitely a lot of positives involved for those willing to take the plunge.

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Secondary Suite Program

Secondary suites, commonly known as basement suites, are a form of housing that can be put in single family homes. These rental units are a great way for homeowners to generate extra revenue.

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Mortgage Payment Frequency Options

When it comes to deciding how often you’d like to make your regular mortgage payments, you can choose which mortgage payment frequency option will best benefit you. You have the option to synchronize your mortgage payments with your pay schedule.

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