Mortgage News

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Your Real Estate Team

You’ll want to have a team of professionals at your service when buying your first home. Here’s a guide to who they are and what they do. You decide exactly who is on your team, but there are a few professionals without whom buying a home is nearly impossible.

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Mortgage Costs, Mortgage Tips unINK Creative Mortgage Costs, Mortgage Tips unINK Creative

High Ratio Mortgages

When you need a mortgage that is more than 80% of the purchase price of your home, mortgage loan insurance is required. In Canada, mortgage insurance is provided by either CMHC, a crown corporation, Genworth Financial, or Canada Guaranty, Mortgage insurance protects the lender and, by law, most Canadian lending institutions require it.

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Are You Asking Your Mortgage Associate the Right Questions?

Your home will likely be the single largest purchase you make and will be a part of your life for the next 25+ years. Decisions you make now could affect you for years to come, which is why it is imperative that you know what to look for in a mortgage associate and understand the process that goes through with applying for a mortgage.

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First Time Mortgage unINK Creative First Time Mortgage unINK Creative

What Comes First the Mortgage or the House?

Many people get it backward. They shop for a home and then make an emotional decision without knowing what they are able to afford. And then are surprised and disappointed to find out that they cannot get the financing. Thankfully, mortgage brokers do the homework for the applicant to see whether they have the ability to repay the loan while in the lifestyle they are accustomed to.

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What do I need to apply for a Mortgage in Saskatoon?

If you are planning to get a mortgage in the near future, it is best to be prepared. Being prepared and having the right documents and information ready to present to your Mortgage Associate when you first meet can save tons of time, speed up the process and make things go smoothly.

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Investment Property, Mortgage Tips unINK Creative Investment Property, Mortgage Tips unINK Creative

Secondary Suites

The term “secondary suite” is generally used to describe a self-contained dwelling unit with its own kitchen and bathroom, which is separate from the principal dwelling in a house. It can be located either within the principal dwelling or in an accessory building on the same lot as the principal dwelling.

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